Category: 3️⃣ Save

Now that you’ve got some coins in your pocket, it’s time to save. Saving is like securing a part of your treasure for future adventures.

It’s not about hiding it under the mattress. It’s about having a backup for the awesome stuff you want to do. And a safety net for unexpected twists.

August 22, 2023 / Tips

Explore the factors involved in making the choice to marry for financial stability. Consider the pros and cons, personal values, and long-term implications before deciding if marrying for money aligns with your goals.

August 22, 2023 / Tips
August 22, 2023 / Tips
August 18, 2023 / Tips

Whoa, someone in Florida scored a $1.5B Mega Millions jackpot! 🎉 Before you go crazy, here’s the scoop on handling a windfall responsibly: pause, get pro advice, budget, invest wisely, stash cash for emergencies, and keep it real. You got this! 💰

August 17, 2023 / Tips
August 17, 2023 / Tips
August 17, 2023 / Retirement