When to Start Saving for Retirement (At 25 Report Finds)

Last updated on October 4, 2023

Many Americans understand the importance of early retirement savings. But the question is, how early to start saving for retirement?

⏳ Start saving for retirement no later than age 25 to build substantial savings by age 65.
🧠 Psychological biases, like “temporal bias,” can hinder early retirement savings. Overcoming these biases is crucial.
🎓 Rising student debt can delay retirement savings. Efforts to manage student loans are essential.
📚 Financial education and learning the power of compound interest can encourage early retirement savings.
🤖 Robo-advisers and AI-assisted visualization tools can aid in retirement planning.
🏛️ Government-facilitated retirement plans, like the Secure 2.0 Act, can help more Americans save for retirement.

According to a report from the Milken Institute, the ideal age to commence saving is no later than 25, with a consistent contribution of $100 per week. This strategy can potentially amass over $1.1 million in retirement savings by age 65.

The road to early retirement savings is not always straightforward, given the various challenges individuals face. However, the Milken Institute has identified several approaches, both at the personal and societal levels, to overcome these hurdles.

Cheryl Evans, Director in the Milken Institute Center for Financial Markets, emphasized the report’s relevance, stating, “Everyone desires financial security and the ability to lead the life they envision. This issue affects individuals across all demographics and is of paramount importance.”

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The study drew insights from discussions with financial and fintech experts, including the Milken 2022 Global Conference. It revealed that approximately 25% of Americans lack retirement savings, with only 24% feeling “very confident about retiring comfortably.”

Furthermore, nearly half of Americans lack access to employer-sponsored retirement plans.

The report also sheds light on various impediments that hinder Americans from building a robust retirement plan. These barriers encompass substantial healthcare expenses, socioeconomic disparities, and the burden of housing costs.

However, the report underscores that psychological biases and student debt pose particularly formidable challenges for young individuals embarking on their retirement savings journey.

The Milken Institute’s report delves into the complex factors that hinder Americans from initiating retirement savings early.

Among the highlighted challenges, a significant “temporal bias” stands out, where individuals struggle to relate to their future selves, impeding their ability to start saving for retirement.

The study explains this phenomenon, stating that “temporal discounters” often perceive their future selves as distinct from their present selves. Consequently, they find it difficult to take actions that may require sacrificing immediate rewards for the benefit of their future selves.

Furthermore, the burden of student debt has become a substantial obstacle for many workers. College tuition and fees have surged nearly 1,500% since 1977, delaying individuals from embarking on their retirement journey.

The report emphasizes that student loan defaults negatively impact credit ratings, potentially increasing future borrowing costs.

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Cheryl Evans, Director at the Milken Institute Center for Financial Markets, notes that student loan payments are a priority, often overshadowing retirement savings.

She states, “That’s something that people are well aware of, right? Like, you have to pay this no matter what. You have to pay this first.”

The study provides strategies for overcoming these obstacles, both on an individual and systemic level. To counter “temporal bias,” it suggests individuals envision their “future selves” and consider making sacrifices in the present for future financial security.

Visualization techniques are also recommended to help individuals achieve their financial and retirement goals. Experts like James D. Loftin, CEO of Loftin Wealth Advisors LLC, endorse visualization as a powerful tool for turning dreams into reality.

In summary, the report delves into the psychological and financial challenges that deter early retirement savings and offers actionable solutions to help individuals overcome these barriers.

The Milken Institute’s report underscores the pivotal role of financial education in facilitating early retirement savings.

It recommends that investors tap into the wealth of financial education resources available from banks and financial service providers, such as Standard Bank’s comprehensive “Money Tips for Better Financial Education,” which covers essential topics like saving and investing.

Moreover, the report highlights the transformative potential of compound interest as a motivator for individuals to commence savings at a younger age.

Compound interest, explained in the study as the reinvestment of earned interest along with the principal investment, leads to exponential account growth over time.

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For example, the compound interest calculator illustrates that with an initial investment of just $30 and a monthly contribution of $50, individuals could accumulate over $54,000 in 35 years, assuming a 5% interest rate with a 3% variance.

Cheryl Evans, Director at the Milken Institute Center for Financial Markets, underscores the significance of comprehending the power of compounding. She emphasizes how even a modest sum can yield substantial results over time.

Matthew Benson, a financial planner at Sonmore Financial, underscores the role of financial education in helping Americans effectively manage their student loans.

Financial experts emphasize the crucial role of financial literacy in shaping early retirement saving habits.

Matthew Benson, a financial planner at Sonmore Financial, contends that providing mentorship and financial literacy education to 18- and 19-year-olds can prevent them from making costly financial decisions, such as accumulating $100,000 in student loan debt for a job that pays $40,000 annually.

The report also sheds light on how financial technology products can bolster retirement savings. Individuals can leverage robo-advisers offered by companies like Vanguard and Betterment, which provide real-time financial advice and transaction processing.

Additionally, AI-assisted visualization tools, such as T. Rowe Price’s “Visualize Retirement” product, enable consumers to create future financial scenarios.

Cheryl Evans, Director at the Milken Institute Center for Financial Markets, underscores the role of these tools in helping individuals visualize their retirement goals and overcome psychological biases.

The report advocates for government-supported retirement plans like the Secure 2.0 Act, signed into law in 2022. This legislation mandates automatic enrollment of employees in retirement plans, promoting retirement savings.

The report also highlights state-facilitated retirement plans, adopted by 19 states, which require automatic enrollment in individual retirement arrangements (IRAs), providing more people with access to retirement plans, especially those in physically demanding jobs.

(Source: Yahoo Finance)

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Hey — It’s Pavlos. Just another human sharing my thoughts on all things money. Nothing more, nothing less.