This Is How to Exercise Your Stock Warrants

➤ How to Exercise Stock Warrants

Ever wondered what to do with those stock warrants you’ve got? Well, here’s the lowdown in simple terms.

So, stock warrants? They’re kinda like call options. You get the right, but not the must-do-it-now obligation, to buy company shares at a fixed price (strike price) before the warrant’s expiration.

Now, here’s the kicker: while options come from option writers, warrants are issued directly by the company.


  1. What’s a Stock Warrant? It’s a ticket from your employer that lets you buy company shares at a specific price before the expiration date.
  2. How to Make It Happen? Your broker’s got your back! The easiest way to exercise a warrant is through them.
  3. The Catch? When you exercise a warrant, the company creates new shares, which pumps up the total number of shares out there. This dilutes things a bit.
  4. Trading Game: You can buy and sell warrants on the market until they expire.
  5. Price Matters: Even if the stock price is lower than the strike price, your warrant might still hold some value.

When to exercise your stock warrants

If the current stock price is below the strike price, don’t rush into exercising the warrant. Picture this: If the strike’s at $40 and the stock’s at $30, why pay more when you can grab it cheaper in the stock market, right?

Flip the coin though, if the stock’s at $50 and your warrant’s strike is $40, now we’re talking. But hey, just ’cause the stock’s higher than the strike, doesn’t mean you gotta jump the gun. If there’s plenty of time left before it expires, holding onto those warrants might bring in more cash.

Say the stock climbs to $80 in the next year. Bingo! Your warrant just got a whole lot more valuable. It’s like buying at $40 and selling at $80 – sweet deal!

Exercise your warrants in 2 steps

Want to exercise those warrants? Easy peasy with your broker. They’ll sort out the paperwork and reach out to the company that issued them for you. Warrants show up in your trading account like any other stock or option.

  • Contact your broker and tell ’em you’re ready to use those warrants.
  • Specify how many you want to exercise. Once your broker contacts the company, the warrants will vanish, and the stock will pop up. But, FYI, your broker might charge a fee for this service.
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Keep in mind, exercising warrants increases the total number of shares out there, which affects existing shareholders.


  • Some companies set varying ratios for warrants, like maybe five warrants for one share or 10 for one.
  • When dealing with warrants, know the rules! Make sure you get the number of shares you want when you sell or exercise them.
  • Warrants aren’t always a one-to-one deal with shares.

Warrants can be traded until they expire. Let’s say a stock trades at $50, and the warrant’s strike is $40. That warrant should go for at least $10 (assuming one warrant equals one share).

Why? ‘Cause someone could snag the stock at $40 using the warrant and sell it at $50 – that’s a $10 profit per share. But usually, the warrant’s value goes beyond just $10 ’cause time adds some extra oomph to it.

For instance, if there’s a year left before it expires, the seller might pitch it for more than $10. Why? ‘Cause there’s a chance the stock price could jump within that time. So, instead of $10, it might go for $12.

Final Thoughts

Even if the stock price is below the strike, your warrant might still have some value. If you’d rather sell it than exercise it, treat it like any other stock or option in your trading account. Set the price, quantity, and any other order specifics you fancy.

So there you have it! The scoop on exercising your stock warrants without breaking a sweat. Now, go make those money moves!

  1. The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority. “2360. Options: (a) Definitions”
  2. Eqvista. “Exercising Stock Warrants”
  3. The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority. “11840. Rights and Warrants”
  4. SoFi. “Stock Warrants: What Are They and How Do I Exercise?”
  5. Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney. “An Introduction to Warrants”
  6. The American Bar Association. “Sweetening the Deal: Using Warrants to Get the Deal Done”
  7. Luc Nijs. “Mezzanine Financing: Tools, Applications and Total Performance”
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Pavlos Written by:

Hey — It’s Pavlos. Just another human sharing my thoughts on all things money. Nothing more, nothing less.